Ingredients for May 8th, 2021

Cush doing a re-enactment of how he feels after a creating and drinking too many cocktails in one night. c. 2001 SMH Picture by ROBERT PEARCE (Photo by Fairfax Media/Fairfax Media via Getty Images)


  • Bumbu Rum 1
  • Dry Curacao 1
  • Dry White Vermouth 1
  • Pomegranate Juice 1
  • Sloe Gin 2
  • Gin (Empress) 2
  • Grapefruit Juice 2
  • Lime Juice 2
  • Maraschino Liqueur 2
  • Simple Syrup 2
  • Beer (Delirium Tremens) 3 (optional)
  • Popcorn-butter washed Rum 3
  • Root Beer Simple Syrup 3
  • Lemon Juice 3

*Number by the ingredient indicates the drink the ingredient will be used in.

Drink along Drink: The Circus Circus

  • 2 oz Vodka
  • .75 lemoncello
  • .75 cranberry Juice
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